Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a salt comprised of sodium and bicarbonate ions.
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−It is typically found as a white crystalline solid or fine powder. Sodium bicarbonate tablets and pills are also available.

Baking soda is mostly used as a raising agent, such as in cake baking. However, it is also used as a natural cleaning agent and an ingredient in dental hygiene products.
Sodium bicarbonate can make the urine more alkaline for medicinal purposes, such as if a person has a urinary tract infection. However, because it can have negative side effects, it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor.
Baking soda is more than a cake-raising ingredient; it also provides several health and cosmetic benefits. One of the most significant advantages is that it is believed to help with acid reflux due to its alkaline qualities.
It aids in the neutralization of stomach acids and relieves indigestion in adults. Most health experts vouch for mixing baking soda with water, which is also a fantastic source of heartburn relief in small amounts.
What are some of the possible adverse effects?
While baking soda provides immediate relief, it is not suitable for everyone. Overuse is the major cause of baking soda overdose. If you are on a low-sodium diet, you should avoid using baking soda. One-half teaspoon of baking soda contains around one-third of your daily sodium allowance.
Consult your doctor to see whether baking soda is a viable alternative therapy option for you. They will be able to inform you whether baking soda will interfere with your prescriptions or raise your sodium levels.
Possible side effects include:
- stomach pain
- gas
- diarrhea
- nausea
Long-term and excessive baking soda use can increase your risk of:
- hypokalemia, or a lack of potassium in the blood
- hypochloremia, or a lack of chloride in the blood
- hypernatremia, or an increase in sodium levels
- deteriorating kidney illness
- increasing heart failure; muscle weakness, and cramping
- increased stomach acid production
People who consume excessive amounts of alcohol are at higher risk of significant problems. In addition, baking soda contains sodium, which can cause dehydration and intensify other symptoms.
Consult your doctor right away if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- vomit that looks like coffee grounds
- loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss
- difficulty breathing
- frequent urination
- red or tar-like stools
- swelling in limbs and feet
- blood in the urine
Pregnant women and children under six should avoid using baking soda to treat acid reflux.
Benefits of baking soda water
1. It is a great antacid
Acid reflux is a disorder in which stomach acid backflows into the esophagus, causing heartburn, a burning feeling in the throat, and acid indigestion. Baking soda water acts as an antacid, helping to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
2. Relieve indigestion
To neutralize stomach acid, mix 1/4 teaspoon baking soda into a glass of water. However, because acid does not cause all types of indigestion, consult your doctor if your symptoms do not improve after two weeks.
Baking soda should not be taken within 2 hours of other drugs. Because baking soda reduces stomach acid, it can limit the rate at which your body absorbs some medications and alter how others work. Do not give it to a child under six unless your pediatrician advises you to.
3. It alkalinizes the body
When the pH levels in the body are balanced, the body system functions well; however, any imbalance in these levels can lead to serious health problems. For example, our bodies require acid to digest food properly.
There are occasions when the body’s acid levels rise, producing an imbalance and diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and cancer. The baking soda water helps to balance and regulate the acid in the body by alkalizing it.
4. May aid in the prevention of kidney stones
Kidney stones can form due to iron deficiency, excess acid, or even dehydration in the body. The baking soda water helps alkalinize the urine to break down uric acid, which aids in the removal of kidney stones and restores the body’s pH values.
5. It may help you avoid UTI
Urinary tract infection can be caused by poor hygiene, pregnancy, or even certain drugs (UTI). It is caused by bacteria that thrive in the bladder. Baking soda’s antiseptic characteristics aid in lowering urine acid levels and combating germs.
6. A cleanser for the gut
Baking soda water has incredible benefits for cleansing your stomach and adjusting your pH levels. Those suffering from stomach problems might easily try drinking this potion. However, drinking baking soda water should only be done under expert supervision.
7. It lowers inflammation
Baking soda reduces inflammation, which helps avoid the development of arthritis, which primarily affects the joints. It is caused by uric acid buildup in the joints. Baking soda raises the pH of the blood, alkalinizing it and avoiding joint deposition.
How to use baking soda
If you are unsure about the dosage, always see your doctor. The amount of baking soda required depends on the child’s age. It is intended to provide temporary relief and not a long-term solution for acid reflux symptoms.
The dosage of sodium bicarbonate powder is as follows:
Age | Dosage (teaspoon) |
Children | must be determined by a doctor |
Adults and teenagers | ½ tsp. dissolved in a 4-ounce glass of water, may be repeated in 2 hours |
- taking more than 3½ teaspoons of baking soda (seven 12-tsp doses) in a day
- Take more than 1½ teaspoons of baking soda (three 12-tsp doses) in a day if you are over 60
- Use baking soda if you have GERD.
- taking the recommended dosage for more than two weeks
- Take the dosage while you’re full to avoid gastric rupture
- drinking the baking soda solution too rapidly can cause diarrhea and gas
What is the best way to produce baking soda water at home?
You need half a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of water (about 200 mL). Mix the two ingredients and drink once a day or as directed by your doctor. Do not take it daily; if you must, do it under supervision. Here’s how to make alkaline water.
When used correctly, baking soda water is a magical potion that can cure almost any condition. So go ahead and take advantage of it.
Excessive baking soda might induce acid reflux(increased acid production) and exacerbate your symptoms. You should also ensure that the baking soda is dissolved completely in at least 4 ounces of water and that you sip it gently. Consult a doctor immediately if you get severe stomach aches after taking your medication.
OTC and prescription tablets are available for people who dislike baking soda taste. The majority of these tablets dissolve quickly in water. For the suggested dosage, follow the directions on the packaging.
Baking soda is an effective therapy for occasional acid reflux. Adults should take 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in a 4-ounce glass of water. To avoid adverse effects like flatulence and diarrhea, sip this drink gently. You can do this every two hours.
However, baking soda is not recommended for long-term treatment, especially if you suffer from GERD or require a low-salt diet.
Consult your doctor if your acid reflux interferes with your daily life or occurs twice a week or more. Your doctor can advise you on therapies that may be more beneficial in alleviating your symptoms.
What happens if you mix baking soda with water?
When you drink baking soda with water, it reacts with the acid in your stomach, converting it to water, salt, and carbon dioxide. Due to its alkaline qualities, baking soda can help relieve nausea and stomach symptoms.
The pH of your stomach should ideally be less than 7. However, when you eat a high-protein meal, the gastric cells must produce additional acid to break down the food. When your stomach is under too much pressure, the acid can go to your esophagus, causing acid reflux and indigestion. Baking soda may help to alleviate the condition.
When is it safe to take baking soda?
Baking soda is best taken on an empty stomach, but not first thing in the morning. Undigested protein molecules can enter your intestines if you take baking soda with food. Instead, take it midday, one hour before lunch, or one hour after dinner.
Is it safe to drink baking soda daily?
Your kidneys are essential to your bodily functioning (Brandon explains that they rid your body of toxins and promote healthy hormone production). In another trial, 134 patients with severe chronic renal disease who received a daily dose of baking soda in addition to usual treatment were able to decrease the loss of their kidneys by two-thirds compared to those who did not receive baking soda.
Brandon claims that a daily cup of water with a teaspoon of baking soda will help control your body’s pH and promote nutrient absorption, hormone balance, and blood quality—all of which can help your kidney stay healthy.

Jay is a health and wellness enthusiast with expertise in water quality and nutrition. As a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being, Jay successfully manages Type 2 Diabetes through informed lifestyle choices. Committed to sharing reliable and authoritative insights, Jay combines firsthand experience with a passion for enhancing health."