Water is widely recognized as one of the greatest fluids to consume since it keeps your body hydrated and healthy. With this insight, vitamin-infused beverages (like Vitaminwater) have become a recent fad in healthy drinks. What happens, though, when important vitamins are added to water? Is it becoming a better option? Is this just another overhyped health product?
Table Of Contents
−- What exactly is vitamin water? Is it safe for you?
- What exactly is vitamin water? Is it safe for you?
- What makes Vitaminwater harmful to your health?
- Vitaminwater has an excessive amount of vitamins.
What exactly is vitamin water? Is it safe for you?
Vitamin-infused water is just water that has been supplemented with vitamins. Vitaminwater, a Coca-Cola brand, is the most common type of vitamin water. However, other companies, such as Propel and BLK. Water, and Lifewater, provide vitamin-infused bottled water options.

Vitaminwater comes in a variety of tastes, each of which contains a unique combination of nutrients. As things are today, many individuals assume that drinking vitamin water will provide them with additional benefits. Some people even believe that these beverages can be used in place of specific foods or vitamin supplements. But, are any of these statements true? Is Vitaminwater healthy?
While the beverage has all the vitamins listed on the label, added sugar is one significant absence from the brand’s marketing strategy. As it turns out, practically all Vitaminwater varieties contain a significant quantity of added sugar, making it unsuitable for daily intake.
Excess sugar consumption, as is now widely known, can be extremely dangerous and lead to major health consequences.
What exactly is vitamin water? Is it safe for you?
Vitamins and minerals have been added.
Vitaminwater provides 100 percent of the RDI for Vitamin C, B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), and B12 (Cobalamin). This is significant since some people may not obtain enough of these vitamins through their diet so the drink can be a useful complement.
However, because these vitamins are water soluble, anything the body cannot absorb will be excreted. So, drinking this water will probably have no effect if you already take a multivitamin or eat a healthy, diverse diet.
Companies that sell vitamin water frequently promise that the beverage’s additional vitamins will give you an extra energy boost and a better ability to focus. But unfortunately, this is not correct nor supported by scientific study.
A way to stay hydrated
Water is an essential beverage for your body. Because Vitaminwater is mainly water, it will keep you hydrated. As of now, it is advised that an adult consume approximately 2 liters of water every day. Therefore, a 20-ounce bottle of vitamin water can account for approximately 30% of your daily water intake.
What makes Vitaminwater harmful to your health?
The amount of sugar
Many people are startled to hear that Vitaminwater contains nearly 30g of sugar, which is half the amount of added sugar found in a can of Coca-Cola! The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a maximum of 37.5 g of added sugars for men and 25 g for women. That means ingesting just one bottle of Vitaminwater would satisfy your daily added sugar requirements for the entire day. That’s a lot of sugar in just one drink!
To make matters worse, Vitaminwater is sweetened with crystalline fructose and cane sugar in the United States. Crystalline fructose is significantly stronger than cane sugar and, in excessive quantities, can be rather harmful.
The widely held belief about Vitaminwater is that it is healthier than other beverages. This is not entirely correct. While Vitaminwater has less sugar than a conventional soda, it has the same amount as other electrolyte-infused sports drinks. If you don’t drink those in significant quantities because of the additional sugar, you should also avoid Vitaminwater.
If ingested regularly, too much sugar can soon induce bad adverse effects.
Here are only a few of the potentially harmful side effects of consuming too much fructose (the sweetener in Vitaminwater):
- Anxiety\sJitters
- Crashing sugar
- Putting on weight
- Cardiovascular disease
- High blood sugar levels
- Diabetes type 2 risk
- Stroke
- Complications with the kidneys and other digestive concerns
So, what does all of this mean? To summarize, Vitaminwater is probably not as beneficial as people believe. But that doesn’t imply you shouldn’t drink it at all! Remember that moderation is crucial, so choose wisely, especially if you intend to consume this drink daily.
Vitaminwater has an excessive amount of vitamins.
You heard us right. According to EcoWatch, Vitaminwater provides a variety of vitamins and minerals that most people currently consume in sufficient quantities. Vitaminwater is available in various varieties, all of which contain vitamins B and C. In addition, some have lower levels of vitamins A and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, manganese, chromium, and zinc.
The problem is that the ordinary person’s diet is rarely deficient in vitamins B and C. Vitaminwater includes 50 to 120 percent of a person’s daily dose of vitamin B and 50 to 150 percent of the daily value of vitamin C. Mind you, these aren’t dangerous amounts because those vitamins are water-soluble, and any extra vitamins are normally washed out of the body through urine.
Drinking too much Vitaminwater might be harmful to your health.
According to Healthline, higher supplemental use of vitamins A and E has been linked to an increased risk of death. A single glass of Vitaminwater does not contain an excessive amount of these vitamins, but if you drink it regularly, you may begin to approach those levels.
Add to it the increased sugar and caloric intake that a Vitaminwater delivers; your weight or blood sugar levels may rise to dangerous levels. But, on the other hand, little Vitaminwater can be a cool, sweet treat on a hot day. It may even provide a caloric boost of vitamin-infused energy, but it should be used sparingly.
The major issue is that drinking a very sugary beverage to “get one’s vitamins” is never a smart idea, no matter how well-marketed or delicious that beverage is. Instead, a preferable strategy would be to eat foods high in vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables.
Why don’t you make your own decision?
Vitaminwater contains the following ingredients:
Or distilled/deionized water, crystalline fructose, citric acid, vegetable juice (color), natural flavor, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin E acetate, magnesium lactate (electrolyte), calcium lactate (electrolyte), zinc picolinate, monopotassium phosphate (electrolyte), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B12).
Isn’t it terrifying?
Here are the dietary data per serving (keep in mind that each bottle contains 2.5 servings):
- 50 calories
- 0g total fat
- Sodium: 0.00mg
- 60mg potassium
- 13g total carbs
- 13g sugar
- 0g protein
- Vitamin C is 40%, Vitamin B3 is 20%, Vitamin B6 is 20%, Vitamin B12 is 20%, and Vitamin B5 is 20%.
- 150mg potassium per bottle
That’s 125 calories and 32.5 grams of sugar for the entire bottle! That’s the entire recommended daily sugar intake in one bottle. Vitaminwater “water” is a smear on the excellent name of water.
What are the healthiest Vitaminwater alternatives?
Is it true that all kinds of vitamin water are bad for you? No, not always, as some healthier types of vitamin water are on the market nowadays.
Zero Vitaminwater
Coca-Cola makes a zero-sugar version of its renowned drink, which means you’ll get the vitamins and hydration without the hazards associated with too much fructose. In my book, that’s a win!
Vitaminwater Zero is sweetened with Truvia, a sugar replacement produced with Erythritol, Rebaudioside A, and natural flavors to keep the sweet taste.
The major constituent, erythritol, is a natural but difficult-to-digest sugar alcohol. It is usually nontoxic and travels through the body without being digested. However, erythritol (or any other sugar alcohol) might cause gastrointestinal discomfort if consumed in large quantities.
However, one beverage is unlikely to cause any symptoms, if any at all.
Vitamin boosting propel
This vitamin-enriched beverage is available in a range of tastes.
There are no artificial sweeteners or tastes in it. It also contains 100% of the daily recommended amount of vitamins B3, B5, B6, C, and E.
It just has 10 calories, which might be good or bad. This is a disadvantage if you are taking it as a post-exercise drink because it does not provide the same glucose increase as Vitaminwater. But, on the other hand, this is good if you’re drinking it for the taste because you won’t be drinking your calories.
Mio Liquid Water Enhancer
This compact egg-shaped bottle yields 24 8-ounce servings and does not require refrigeration. It has a fun flip top cap and no additional packing for inner contents because you squirt it directly into your glass.
Mio’s Liquid Water Enhancer contains the following ingredients:
- Citric acid and vitamin B
- Coffee (Caffeine) (a good alternative if you are trying to kick your coffee habit)
- The flavor that comes from nature
Water may work wonders for your body. However, many people find it difficult to drink enough water daily due to a lack of flavor. Mio’s Liquid Water Enhancer can help with this issue. It comes in several tastes, including lemon, orange, and black cherry, and contains healthy vitamins and electrolytes.
Some of the elements in MiO that some people may want to avoid include:
- Colors synthesized
- Sweeteners made from artificial ingredients
- There is a risk of consuming too much caffeine per glass.
Although the low-calorie sweetener used in this booster is low in calories, its sweet flavor may stimulate your desire for sweets. This could jeopardize your weight loss efforts.
Furthermore, MiO’s Liquid Water Enhancer contains artificial colors, which can cause allergic reactions and may be carcinogenic. If you’re watching your caffeine intake, don’t add too much MiO to a glass of water because high levels of caffeine can have several negative effects. It already contains more caffeine than other goods. Thus it should be used in moderation.
In conclusion
Mio’s Liquid Water Enhancer contains a high concentration of B vitamins and citric acid, among other things. These are essential for raising your metabolism and energy levels, which is always good. In addition, if you’re hooked on coffee and want to cut back, MiO’s energetic caffeine is a good substitute. It will offer you the necessary energy boost by flavoring the water you drink.
The Mio Liquid Water Enhancers are high in vitamins and caffeine. They’re simple to use and come in a wide range of flavors. Although some tastes may be a little too sweet for certain individuals, particularly those who avoid sugary items, they are a great alternative to hazardous sodas. In addition, the caffeine in the water enhancer will give you a good energy boost.
However, it includes a significant quantity of caffeine, artificial colors, and sweeteners, which can damage your health if consumed excessively. As a result, drink it in moderation.
There is little scientific proof that MiO delivers additional benefits other than making your water taste better. It’s better than the regularly utilized sugary energy drinks, but it pales compared to the enormously helpful plain water.
As a result, if you’re looking to kick your soda habit, MiO is the way to go. However, if you want more water, try adding fruits to your glass instead of a liquid enhancer.
Is it possible to make vitamin water at home?
Generally, getting your vitamins and minerals straight from supplements or whole foods is the healthiest and safest option.
However, if you prefer to spice up your water to make it healthier, you may do so at home. You’ll be surprised at how simple it is to add some quick, nutritious, sugar-free vitamins to your glass of water. Here are a few ideas for you to try at home:
- Ginger – Ginger provides numerous health benefits and necessary vitamins and minerals. A ginger infusion provides a good source of vitamins B3, B6, C, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and folate.
- Cucumber – Cucumbers are high in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, potassium, and manganese.
- Berries: particularly dark-colored berries, include vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Add a few berries to your water for a fresh, delicious flavor with no added sugar.
- Lemon and lime – This is a classic, delightful infusion that adds a kick to your water. This infusion will provide you with an increase in vitamin C, B6, potassium, and folate.
- Mint – Adding mint to your water can bring a refreshing flavor while giving manganese, copper, and vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K.
Try more water flavor ideas here.
Now that we’ve evaluated all the variables in a bottle of Vitaminwater, we can answer the key question: is vitamin-infused water beneficial for you? Unfortunately, while adding vitamins and minerals to water sounds like a nice idea, most companies add a lot of extra sugars. As a result, certain vitamin-infused water brands may cause more harm than good.
So, instead of reaching for a bottle of Vitaminwater at the supermarket, try drinking plain, filtered water with a piece of fruit. Alternatively, try infusing nutritious, fresh ingredients into your daily jug of water for a natural vitamin boost with no added sweets. This way, you’ll obtain the necessary beneficial nutrients and hydration without the extra sugar.

Jay is a health and wellness enthusiast with expertise in water quality and nutrition. As a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being, Jay successfully manages Type 2 Diabetes through informed lifestyle choices. Committed to sharing reliable and authoritative insights, Jay combines firsthand experience with a passion for enhancing health."