Does Coconut Water Go Bad? How-to Make it Last Longer

by Jay | Updated on July 21st, 2022

Canned coconut water will keep for at least a few months after the expiration date on the label. That means your old can is probably fine, even if it’s a few months old.

But, before you drink it, make sure there are no signs of spoilage. Then, of course, there won’t be any mold, but there are a couple of other things to keep an eye out for.

coconut water

When you open your coconut water, you get about 3 to 5 days of good quality, just like soda.

Want to know more about the shelf life, storage, and spoilage of canned, bottled, or tetra pack coconut water?

What is the shelf life of coconut water?

On the label of coconut water, there is usually a “best-by” date. That date tells you how long the beverage should, at the very least, keep its best quality.

Unopened coconut water, like sports drinks and soda, will keep for at least a few months after the expiration date. But unfortunately, there is no way to predict how long it will last.

Most of the time, the beverage will be safe to drink after you open it, but the taste may not be as good if it has been stored for a couple of years.

How long will an opened bottle of coconut water last?

If a container of coconut water is opened, it will last for three days if properly stored. The super-fresh, unadulterated “raw” stuff spoils faster than the pasteurized and sweetened with preservative versions. If you buy this type of coconut water, you should consume it within 48 hours of opening it.

Various manufacturers give varying times for how long the coconut drink will last after opening. However, most of the time, that period is between 3 and 5 days.

Of course, the beverage will not spoil after that time, but its quality will noticeably deteriorate. That means you’d probably rather throw it away than drink it.

Coconut water (unopened)Best by + 6 months 
Coconut water (opened) 3 – 5 days

Please remember that the dates listed above are only for the best quality.

How can you tell if your coconut water is bad?

person in black jacket holding brown bread

Coconut water has a pleasantly sweet aroma and a refreshing nutty flavor when it is freshly opened. However, the coconut water’s color, smell, or appearance will change if it has gone bad.

Get rid of it if the smell is strong or the liquid has a thick consistency. The same is true if you notice any carbonation.

If the smell and consistency appear fine, it is most likely safe to drink. But then, it’s finally time to try it.

If the flavor has deteriorated, discard it for quality reasons. If it tastes good, congrats, and enjoy your drink.

If you’ve kept opened coconut water at room temperature for more than a day or in the fridge for more than a week, it’s best to toss it. Chances are it’s still safe to drink, but it’s not worth risking food poisoning for a few sips of coconut water.

How to store your coconut water?

While coconut water isn’t a sports drink, you should store it like Gatorade.

That means you should keep it somewhere cool and dry. The pantry is ideal, but a kitchen cabinet will suffice.

The product is usually made up of water and some coconut-derived sugar, or it is just pure natural coconut water. It’s also shelf stable.

There isn’t much that can go wrong as long as it’s unopened. Keep the bottles or tetra packs away from sunlight and heat sources to preserve the quality of the coconut water for a longer period.

Coconut water sold in aluminum cans is already shielded from sunlight. So you have to keep it away from heat sources, and you’re good to go.

Once you’ve opened the container of coconut water, keep the leftovers tightly sealed in the fridge. The same is true for fresh coconut water obtained by opening a coconut.

  1. Use an ice tray: A regular ice cube tray is easy to freeze your coconut water. Pour your coconut water into the tray, place it in the freezer, and enjoy!
  2. Use a Ziploc Bag: If you’re freezing a large amount of coconut water, a large Ziploc bag will suffice. For consistent freezing, the bags should be no thicker than two inches.
  3. Use a specialty tray: If you want to make a fun drink or have your frozen coconut water in a unique shape, you can use a specialty ice tray. You can make spheres, rods, and any other shape you want!

Keep an eye out for expansion: Coconut water expands naturally during freezing. To avoid problems, leave enough space in your container of choice. Coconut water will also take longer to freeze than regular water, so allow it some extra time to reach fully frozen status.

How can fresh coconut water be kept fresh for a longer period?

Fresh coconut water is, indeed, perishable. Furthermore, several preservation techniques are used to extend its shelf-life for specific purposes.

  • Ultra-High Temperature (UHT): This entails quickly heating the coconut water for 2 to 45 seconds at 130° C to 150° C. This is how bottled coconut water was made shelf-stable for at least a year.
  • Cold Preserving: Filtration, bottling, and temperature control keep coconut water fresh for 10 to 3 weeks without altering its natural flavor.
  • Microfiltration: Coconut water is physically filtered through a pore-sized membrane to remove microorganisms and suspended particles.

Is it possible to freeze coconut water?

That question doesn’t come up very often, but it’s worth answering.

There is no reason to freeze an unopened bottle of coconut water. Because it has a fairly long shelf life, you should be able to finish your supplies before the water goes bad.

Freezing the bottle if you can’t finish within a few days after opening it is an option. The question is, does freezing leftover coconut water make sense?

It won’t taste good after thawing, and you won’t be pleased with the flavor. So I’d argue that discarding it is preferable to freezing it but feel free to do so if you prefer.

Allow some headspace in the container because the coconut water will expand once frozen.

How long can you keep coconut water in the freezer?

Coconut water is packaged in a way that allows it to be naturally preserved for up to a year. As a result, freezing your coconut water to keep it fresh is usually unnecessary.

When you thaw frozen coconut water, you will notice that it does not taste or look the same. Some people, however, are unconcerned about this. You can certainly freeze your coconut water in these circumstances.

Frozen coconut water can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. It will no longer taste good or have much appeal after this amount of time.

The best way to store coconut water is to leave it unopened until you’re ready to use it. Then, keep the bottles, cartons, or tetra packs in a cool, dry area of your kitchen, away from direct sunlight, and your coconut water will be fine for months.

How do you thaw frozen coconut water?

Thawing coconut water is similar to thawing regular ice cubes. Of course, your thawed coconut water will taste slightly different, but if you only want the nutritional value of the coconut water, this is unimportant.

Use the fridge: Coconut water will safely defrost in the fridge over time. Place your coconut water ice in a covered bowl in the fridge for the best results!

Thaw with water: If you need your coconut water to thaw as soon as possible, seal it in a Ziploc bag. Place the bag in a bowl of lukewarm water. Do not immerse it in hot water! This will quickly thaw the ice.

Coconut water may take longer to thaw than regular water. Although the coconut water will not taste the same, it will still be an excellent addition to various dishes and beverages!


Jay is a health and wellness enthusiast with expertise in water quality and nutrition. As a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being, Jay successfully manages Type 2 Diabetes through informed lifestyle choices. Committed to sharing reliable and authoritative insights, Jay combines firsthand experience with a passion for enhancing health."