Why It’s Important to Drink Water

by Jay | Updated on June 23rd, 2023

You’ve heard it time and again – “Drink more water!” But why exactly is it so crucial? Why is water, not just any liquid, vital for our well-being? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into why drinking water is integral to our health and how it remarkably benefits our bodies daily.

The Miraculous Benefits of Daily Water Intake

Forget for a moment that the human body is comprised of approximately 70 to 75 percent water. Regardless of how much we expend, it is imperative to replenish this lost water daily. But there’s more to it than mere replacement. It’s about consuming water specifically, not just any liquid. Let’s explore why water is so vital.

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Water: The Natural Detoxifier

According to WebMD, any fluids, including those that are carbonated or caffeinated, can quench our thirst, keeping us hydrated. But why should we opt for water?

Disabled World refers to water as “the most ancient and potent natural detox aid ever known.” While other fluids also need to pass through our kidneys for filtration, water aids our bodies in flushing out toxins instead of adding to the filtration workload.

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Replenishing Fluids: An Essential Daily Task

WebMD further notes that the guideline of eight glasses a day isn’t set in stone – we should drink whenever we feel thirsty. This thirst is our body’s signal that it’s time to replenish fluids.

Much like any other animal, we need to replace lost fluids throughout the day. If not, we risk dehydration, which can lead to dizziness, fainting, and in severe cases, even death. Here’s where water comes to the rescue as the ideal beverage for rehydration.

Chronic Dehydration: A Common but Overlooked Issue

Chronic dehydration is surprisingly prevalent, with initial symptoms often subtle, such as fatigue, headaches, and lack of energy. A mere 2% drop in body water can impair short-term memory and thinking. In the long run, chronic dehydration can even cause symptoms resembling Alzheimer’s disease.

Water: The Perfect Rehydration Aid for Sickness and Exercise

Water is known to be crucial during physical exertion and illnesses. As we sweat during exercise, we lose significant amounts of fluid, which water can quickly replenish.

Moreover, doctors often advise us to drink plenty of water when we’re sick. This is because fevers, vomiting, and diarrhea accelerate fluid loss, increasing the urgency to stay hydrated.

Unearthing the Multiple Benefits of Drinking Water

Research shows that drinking an adequate amount of water can offer a plethora of benefits. It can even alleviate existing problems and prevent new ones.


A ShapeFit.com article mentions that an average person loses two to four cups of water through breathing, two cups through sweating, and six cups through urination daily. Hence, staying hydrated is vital to avoid issues like lower back and joint pain, brain damage, and skin problems.

Here are some impressive benefits of drinking water:

  • Weight Loss: Water flushes out the by-products of fat breakdown, reducing hunger as an effective appetite suppressant. Plus, it has zero calories.
  • Headache Remedy: Water can relieve headaches and back pains due to dehydration.
  • Youthful and Healthier Skin: Hydrated skin replenishes skin tissues, moisturizes skin, and increases skin elasticity, making you look younger.
  • Better Productivity at Work: As the brain is mostly water, drinking water aids better thinking, alertness, and concentration.
  • Better Exercise: Water regulates your body temperature, fueling your muscles and making you more energetic during exercises.
  • Improved Digestion and Constipation: Water boosts your metabolism, assisting digestion. It works hand in hand with fiber to facilitate regular bowel movements.
  • Reduced Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration keeps your joints and muscles lubricated, reducing the likelihood of cramps and sprains.
  • Improved Immunity: Drinking plenty of water fights against flu, kidney stones, and heart attacks. Water with lemon can help with respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism, arthritis, and more.
  • Relieves Fatigue: Water flushes out toxins and waste products from the body. Lack of water makes your heart and other vital organs work harder, leading to fatigue.
  • Enhances Mood: Proper hydration makes your body feel good, uplifting your mood.
  • Reduced Risk of Cancer: Drinking a healthy amount of water can dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shorten their contact time with the bladder lining, thus reducing the risks of bladder and colon cancer.

Enhancing Your Drinking Water with Lemon

If you find the taste of tap water too plain, consider adding lemon to it. Not only does it enhance the flavor, but it also boosts health benefits. Lemon’s repertoire of nutrients includes vitamin C, vitamin B, riboflavin, calcium, and magnesium. Other perks of adding lemon juice to water include relief from digestive problems, improved gum health, fever reduction, and relief from throat infections.

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Top Tips to Stay Hydrated

It’s essential to keep up your water intake throughout the day. Here are some simple strategies to ensure you’re consuming enough:

  1. Drink one or two glasses of water after waking up.
  2. Add lemon or lime juice to make the water tastier.
  3. Replace coffee, tea, or soda with water during snack time.
  4. Always carry a water bottle with you.
  5. Drink water before you start to feel thirsty.

The Bottom Line: The Indispensable Role of Water

In conclusion, while other beverages may not harm us, water remains the ideal drink. It’s not only inexpensive and calorie-free but also aids in detoxifying the body and replenishing lost fluids. Given that we’re predominantly made of water, it’s only logical to consume enough of it throughout the day to maintain good health. So next time you reach for a drink, remember – nothing beats water for your well-being.



Jay is a health and wellness enthusiast with expertise in water quality and nutrition. As a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being, Jay successfully manages Type 2 Diabetes through informed lifestyle choices. Committed to sharing reliable and authoritative insights, Jay combines firsthand experience with a passion for enhancing health."