Will a Water Filter Remove the Salt?

by Jay | Posted on November 16th, 2022

A water filter might help you if you’re having trouble with water softening and want to remove all the additional sodium from your system. A water filter will eliminate contaminants besides extra sodium, giving you clean, safe drinking water.

Types of water filters for removing sodium

Installing high-quality water filters is necessary to eliminate sodium from your drinking water. The two best options for lowering salt levels are listed below.

Salt spills out of the salt shaker in thin streams on a black background.Concept salting/

Ion exchange

To get rid of hard water and radioactive substances, ion exchange filters are fantastic. When water runs through these filters, a chemical inside them exchanges one ion for another. In doing so, it eliminates from water the salt, calcium, magnesium, and other substances that contribute to water hardness. As a result, you will receive gentle and pure water.

If your home has a hard water supply, your washed dishes will have stains or blemishes. Additionally, pipes are prone to collect hard water, which could shorten the lifespan of sure of your kitchen gadgets.

Although ion exchange filters can treat certain radioactive materials and hard water, these filters don’t eliminate organic materials like bacteria, particulates, and other diseases. Therefore, they are less desirable if your water is tainted.


The Electrodialysis Reversal Salination (EDR) procedure involves passing an electrical current through electrodes or conductors.

Through the use of an ion-exchange membrane, the dissolved salts in water are extracted in this manner.

The water is divided into two channels: one with a high sodium level and one with a low sodium content.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

These filters are excellent for eliminating substances with high toxin concentrations, including hexavalent chromium, fluoride, arsenic, chromium, copper, salt, radium, nitrites, and nitrates. The best thing is that it can reduce the salt content in your water by 94% to 98%.

Reverse Osmosis is one of the most excellent methods for purifying water of pollutants. This filtering system may also eliminate dangerous microorganisms found in water.

By applying pressure to the reverse osmosis membrane, this filter expels water. As a result, impurities are kept on one side of the film while freshwater is transferred to the other. You should also be aware that it is one of the few filters that can remove fluoride and chromium 6+, two pollutants that are soluble in water.

Although this is the best and most popular option for households, reverse osmosis water filters require enormous amounts of water. In addition, the procedure takes a little longer than other filtration methods, resulting in low water pressure. However, if sodium is your primary worry, no different filter can assist you in getting rid of this element (except a whole-house reverse osmosis system).


Boiling a liquid that evaporates and turning it into a vapor is the process of distillation.

Low-temperature pipes are used to cool this as it is passed through them, condensing the vapor.

The distillate is created when the vapor transforms back into water.

How does water get contaminated with sodium?

Sodium is a mineral generated in soil or dirt and naturally occurring. Groundwater can become contaminated when it passes through the land, leading to salt buildup inside the water source.

Sometimes owners of water softening devices will purposely add sodium ions to their water. To remove “hard” water minerals and replace them with something softer and more drinkable, water softeners substitute sodium ions for calcium or iron deposits in the water. Your water will also include some sodium as a result of this procedure.

The impact of sodium in soft water

Because of the salt in the soft water that ion-exchange water softeners create, some people are skeptical of them. This is understandable, especially in light of the recent, detailed discussion of the risks associated with high-sodium diets.

To dispel misunderstandings, the soft water generated by these devices contains sodium (Na), not table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl). The water’s flavor is unaffected by the salt addition. 

However, it is essential to take this sodium’s effects into account. The salt concentration in soft water does not risk the typical, healthy adult. Depending on how hard the water enters the system, your system will create water with a specific salt concentration. More salt will be released from a water softener when the water is more complicated.

What are the effects of sodium in soft water?

There are several minerals in hard water. Through a process known as ion exchange, minerals like magnesium and calcium are taken out of the water, and trace amounts of sodium are supplied.

Therefore, salt levels in soft water will be higher, but this does not necessarily mean the levels are unhealthy.

Soft water to shower or bathe differs from hard water in that more soap needs to be washed off.

Since soap lathers more readily in soft water and requires more rinsing, it is simple to use more soap or detergent than is necessary.

Frequently asked questions

Is filtering salt from water expensive?

An under-sink reverse osmosis drinking water system for your home can be obtained for a comparatively low initial cost compared to bottled water.

Most extensively used reverse osmosis systems pay for themselves in a few years, and both the convenience of use and the water quality is frequently better than those of the most popular bottled water brands.

Does boiling salt water remove the salt?

Boiling water won’t get the salt out, even though it needs less heat than freshwater to reach a full boil.

For the salt to be suitable for eating by people or animals, alternative extraction techniques, as stated above, must be used.

While water at sea level reaches a boiling point of 212 F, sodium reaches a boiling point of 621 F. Salt is not removed by boiling water, but nearly all bacteria and pollutants are.


We need to discover economically viable solutions to save our water resources because water is a resource that is becoming more and more scarce.

You can address the problem of salt pollution in your water by using a water filter. Although salt-softened water is entirely safe to drink, you can improve your health and pleasure by depending on a water filter to provide your home with an additional water security layer. You get great-tasting water and safe water when you use a water filter.


Jay is a health and wellness enthusiast with expertise in water quality and nutrition. As a knowledgeable advocate for holistic well-being, Jay successfully manages Type 2 Diabetes through informed lifestyle choices. Committed to sharing reliable and authoritative insights, Jay combines firsthand experience with a passion for enhancing health."